Connecting You To The Right Clinician
When patients phone London Road Medical Practice, they are asked by a Receptionist to briefly explain their problem. Our GPs and the NHS have trained our Reception team on patient triage which means that they are able to direct various health issues to the most appropriate clinician who can provide the quickest and most suitable help needed. A Receptionist might offer a consultation with:
- An NHS Community Pharmacist for common ailments
- A Practice Nurse for immunisations, wound care, smears etc
- An Advanced Nurse Practitioner for both minor and long-term conditions
- A Physiotherapist for any neck, back, joint or muscle pain
- A Clinical Pharmacist for medication reviews
- A Social Prescriber for non-clinical issues
- A GP for long-term or complex conditions
- A GP Hub for out-of-hour appointments
- NHS 111 and NHS 111 online
Reception staff, like all member of the team are bound by confidentiality rules, any information given by you is treated in the strictest confidence. Patients can also now use our website for any non-urgent medical queries and to request Fit Notes/repeat prescriptions and for sending any admin queries to the practice. Requests sent via the website will be actioned within 2 days.
Patient can also download the NHS App that allows integration with the practice website to facilitate some online activities and the ability to view your patient record.